Friday, September 14, 2012

AZ Game & Fish FY2012 Tribal Report page 3:

"In August 2012, executive leadership and support staff from AGFD attended an important meeting with representatives from Navajo Nation, Pueblo of Acoma (NM), Pueblo of Zuni (NM) and Hopi Tribe to discuss ongoing mitigation of archaeological/cultural resources that had been impacted on a property owned by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission (Lee Valley property in Eagar, AZ). The impacts to these archaeological resources had occurred as a result of construction activities tied to an approved/cleared community fishing pond project. Representatives from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Resource Conservation Service, AZ State Museum and AZ State Historical Preservation Office also attended this meeting, which served as a first step to initiate formal consultation with the noted tribes in order to determine ongoing mitigation and protection of archaeological/cultural resources that had been revealed/impacted on the Lee Valley property. The
Department has committed to participate in ongoing consultation discussions/processes that are expected to occur with the affected tribes and Federal agencies."