Tuesday, February 15, 2011


page 6, item C. http://eagaraz.gov/Council%20Minutes/20110215%20MINUTES%20Regular.pdf:


Mayor Kim Holaway said the town did not receive the agreement with the Game and Fish
yet. Town Manager Bill Greenwood was told it would be Tuesday or Wednesday, as the
Phoenix office held it up. They have to have this agreement for their commission meeting in
March. The pond site is being moved to the west, because of the pottery shards that were
found on that site. There is another piece of property to use in exchange, to move it further
away from the pottery shard site. The Game & Fish’s concern is they have the money in this
year’s budget and they want to start this year. They have an agreement in place with NAVIT
to start the excavation. Councilor Tim Rasmussen asked how far are they moving it, because
won’t they find more pottery shards close by? Mr. Greenwood said they examined the entire
site and are moving it a couple of hundred feet further west because burial sites usually are to
the east. The Hopi’s are being kept in the loop.

Resident Scott Shellenberger asked if it would be self-sustaining and what the cost was to the
citizens of Eagar? Town Manager Bill Greenwood said that the town would be responsible
for emptying trashcans and doing a few things and supplying some water. So it will be a low
cost to the town, as the agreement is Game & Fish will be doing the stocking of the fish and
help maintain the lake itself. What we do around it as far as a park will be at our expense.
Councilor Tim Rasmussen said the urban lake in Payson is doing really well. Councilor
Debbie Rogers said it would be another park site for the community. Karen Warnick said if
there were an interactive area in the park for the kids it would attract more local kids and
people. Councilor Steve Erhart asked how the pond construction would be done? Mr.
Greenwood said that NAVIT would do the excavation for free and all the Game & Fish
would have to pay for was the diesel and gas. Town of Eagar owns water shares for the pond,
so it would not be a big expense right now. Mayor Holaway said the project would be
completed in phases.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

THE PETROGLYPH Newsletter of the Arizona Archaeological Society Volume 47, Number 6 February 2011


Little Colorado River Chapter:

...Linda Matthews will be conducting a tour of the Hidden Valley portion of the Casa Malpais site on Sunday, Jan 23rd. The tour will start from the museum at 1 pm. Byron Smith, an Eagar Town Council member, brought us up-to-date on the proposed recreational pond to be developed on AZ Game and Fish property in Eagar. The proposed pond and facilities may impinge on an archaeological site and more study is needed. Plans for March Archaeology Awareness month were discussed.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Minutes of the Meeting of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission Friday, February 4, 2011

This information was obtained from the Arizona Archaeologists facebook group. Note page 5 "A large archaeological site has been identified on the eastern portion of the property that could influence the project. Additional surveys and coordination with SHPO are planned, and it is possible that the pond location may need to be moved to another portion of the property." http://www.gf.state.az.us/inside_azgfd/documents/2011.02.04CommMtgMinutes.pdf

Community Fishing Pond – Town of Eagar

Department personnel have been working with the Town of Eagar, Apache County, to develop a
community fishing pond on Department property in the town. A lease and cooperative
agreement are currently being developed, so that the land with the pond can then be leased to the
town and maintained/operated by the town. The town is also providing water for the pond
through water rights they have from the Little Colorado River. The Department will be
constructing the pond. The town had discussed the project at a council meeting in early January
and signed a resolution to support a cooperative agreement with the Arizona Game and Fish
Commission. Archaeological evaluations of the pond construction site are also being conducted,
with close coordination with the State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO). A large
archaeological site has been identified on the eastern portion of the property that could influence
the project. Additional surveys and coordination with SHPO are planned, and it is possible that
the pond location may need to be moved to another portion of the property.