Friday, August 26, 2011

Minutes of the Meeting of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission Friday, August 26, 2011

Also lifted from the facebook group:   page 8: "Unexpected sensitive archaeological resources were
discovered and construction was halted."

Eagar – Community Fishing Pond

Department personnel have been working to develop a new community fishing pond in Eagar,
Apache County. The Department has entered into a cooperative agreement with the Town of
Eagar, in which the Department would construct a pond on Department property, and the Town
would supply the water rights and ongoing maintenance of the facility. Archaeological surveys
were completed by the Natural Resource Conservation Service and design plans were finalized
with approval from the State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO). Construction of the pond
began in April and May, using the Northern Arizona Vocational Institute of Technology
(NAVIT) that trains local high school students to operate heavy equipment under constant
supervision of two college professors. Unexpected sensitive archaeological resources were
discovered and construction was halted. The Department has since coordinated further with
SHPO and the Arizona State Museum (ASM) to properly address these sensitive archaeological
resources. A draft plan for progressing on the pond has been developed by the Department with
input from SHPO and ASM, that will include relocating the archaeological resources, altering
the design of the pond to accommodate the relocation, plans for a professional archaeologist to
be onsite for the remainder of the construction, and a covenant to ensure that the relocated
resources are not disturbed in the future.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Town digs new fishin' hole

Karen Warnick - The Independent | Posted: Friday, May 6, 2011 5:00 am

Arizona Game and Fish Commissioner, Jack Husted (center) with G&Fstaff, NRCS staff, the NAVIT crew, Town of Eagar officials

Note:  ground breaking ceremony  actually occurred (and photograph was taken) on May 2, 2011.
EAGAR - When the Game and Fish Department designated Becker Lake as a catch and release
only lake last year, Round Valley lost a local area fishing hole for kids and families. Through a
process that has taken over a year and included several organizations, a new municipal fishing
pond, as yet unnamed, is being developed on land Arizona Game and Fish is leasing to the town
of Eagar.

Game and Fish acquired the property in 1960 for the water rights that were later severed and
transferred to Lee Valley Reservoir. The property lies within Eagar city limits and the department
had no plans for the property as it doesn't contain any significant wildlife or habitat sites.
The two to three acre pond will be 12 feet deep and have a parking area. It will provide fishing
opportunities for area residents and visitors and could potentially generate more than $60,000 a
year to the local economy according to Game and Fish spokesman Bruce Sitko.

The property is on School Bus Lane just off Highway 260 and is easy to access. The area is
conducive for a closed aquatic system and will be stocked with trout, catfish and sunfish. Using
live bait will be allowed and a regular fishing license will be required. Catch limits will be smaller
but the catch rate will be higher because of more fish in the pond.

The original 10 acre site had to moved a little and the project has been delayed because of a
nearby archeological site and pottery shards found in the area.

Northland Pioneer College's NAVIT program is doing the construction of the pond and parking
area with funding from Game and Fish, but will only be able to work for two weeks this year. The
project is estimated to be completed by late spring of 2012.

In addition to leasing the property to Eagar, Game and Fish will stock the pond, monitor the water
quality for fish health and enforce fishing regulations. The town of Eagar will operate and
maintain the property, provide a dedicated source of irrigation and water for the pond, provide
utilities and carry liability insurance on the property. Future plans, as funding becomes available,
include restrooms, ramadas, picnic tables and other amenities.

Dean Wiltbank of NAVIT says the opportunity for the students to work on a real-world project
that will be there for years is an invaluable experience.

Game and Fish commissioner Jack Husted was at the ground-breaking ceremony and said that the
agencies have created a good partnership that the State needs to know about.

Eagar Mayor Kim Holaway told the group that Game and Fish is greatly appreciated for their
work in putting the project together to benefit area communities.

Reach the writer at

Friday, April 15, 2011

Minutes of the Meeting of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission
Page 7:

5. Request for the Commission to Approve a Cooperative Agreement with the Town of Eagar to
Manage a Community Fishing Pond to be Constructed on a Portion of the Commission’s Lee
Valley Land.

Presenter: Josh Avey, Habitat Branch Chief

Mr. Avey provided a Power Point presentation to the Commission that included the following
information: The Lee Valley Lands property was acquired in 1960 for its associated water
rights. Since that time, all water rights have been severed and transferred. Currently the
property has been passively managed with little significant wildlife value and has been identified
by the Region as a candidate for disposal. It is located within the city limits of the Town of
Eagar (Town). Fisheries Branch, Region I and the Town are in support of constructing a
community fishing pond on a portion of that property. The Department would construct the
pond and manage the water quality and fish community, while the Town would manage public
use and maintenance of the property improvements. The pond and related improvements would
create recreational and fishing opportunities for area residents and local youth groups. The lake
would be approximately 2 acres in size and be placed on less than 10 acres of the 71 acre site.
Fisheries Branch has indicated they will lead the effort to identify funding for the initial
construction and provide fish stocking activities.
Obligations of each party and the terms and
conditions of the arrangement will be specified in the Agreement to be executed by both parties
prior to any expenditure of funds by the Department.

Commissioner Husted spoke in support of this agreement and commended the Department, but
he requested that the Department not be deterred or forget about the upgrades they committed to
at Becker Lake.


Vote: Unanimous

Friday, March 11, 2011

Minutes of the Meeting of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission

Note below that the Community Fishing Pond - Town of Eagar and Lee Valley Lands - Proposed Municipal Fishing Pond both refer to the same parcel.

Pages 35-36:

Community Fishing Pond – Town of Eagar

The Department is continuing its efforts with the Town of Eagar (Town) toward the creation of a
2-acre fishing pond. The conceptual agreement is that the Town would provide the water, as
well as maintenance of the grounds. The Department would construct the pond on Department
property, provide fish and lease the property back to the Town at a nominal cost. The property
identified is the 26-Bar property in Eagar. The Department has forwarded a draft cooperative
agreement to the Town for their review.

Department personnel have conducted water quality monitoring of White Mountain area lakes
that have the potential to winterkill (Crescent, Carnero and Lee Valley Lakes). Monitoring
results indicate that none of these lakes have winterkilled so far. Based on current projections,
Crescent Lake is unlikely to winterkill this year. There is still a chance that Carnero and Lee
Valley lakes may experience winterkill.


Lee Valley Lands – Proposed Municipal Fishing Pond

The Lee Valley Lands property was acquired in 1960 for its associated water rights.
Subsequently, the water rights have been severed and transferred to Lee Valley Reservoir.
Currently the property has been passively managed with little significant wildlife or habitat value
and has been identified by the Region as a candidate for disposal. It is located within the city
limits of the Town of Eagar (Town). Fisheries Branch, Region I and the Town are in support of
constructing a municipal fishing pond on a portion of the property. The Department would
construct the pond and parking area, and manage the water quality and fish community, while
the Town would provide the water and manage public use and maintenance of the property. The lake would be approximately 2 acres in size and be placed on less than 10 acres of the 71 acre
site. Fisheries Branch has approximately $70,000 of Dingell-Johnson Sportfish Restoration
funds to designate to initial construction of the site
. The pond and related improvements would
create recreational and fishing opportunities for area residents and local youth groups. An
estimated increase of $30,000 per year in fishing license sales is anticipated and as much as
$60,000 to 150,000 annually into the local economy.

The obligations of each party will be captured in a Cooperative Agreement between the
Commission and the Town which will be presented to the Commission for approval. A Lease
Agreement authorizing the town to manage the site will be executed after site construction has
been completed. The Lease Agreement would include the terms and conditions of site

One option is to eventually convey the proposed 10 acres of the subject property to the Town of
Eagar. This would be predicated on having received benefit from the facility commensurate with
the value of the property at that time. Increased fishing license sales (estimated above) could
suffice as the measure of “benefit”. The Town is receptive to this option. Because this property
was purchased with federal funding, federal aid approval and reimbursement will be necessary.
The amount to be reimbursed would be based on the appraised value of the property at the time
of disposal. A Cooperative Agreement will be presented to the Commission for consideration at
the April Commission meeting.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


page 6, item C.


Mayor Kim Holaway said the town did not receive the agreement with the Game and Fish
yet. Town Manager Bill Greenwood was told it would be Tuesday or Wednesday, as the
Phoenix office held it up. They have to have this agreement for their commission meeting in
March. The pond site is being moved to the west, because of the pottery shards that were
found on that site. There is another piece of property to use in exchange, to move it further
away from the pottery shard site. The Game & Fish’s concern is they have the money in this
year’s budget and they want to start this year. They have an agreement in place with NAVIT
to start the excavation. Councilor Tim Rasmussen asked how far are they moving it, because
won’t they find more pottery shards close by? Mr. Greenwood said they examined the entire
site and are moving it a couple of hundred feet further west because burial sites usually are to
the east. The Hopi’s are being kept in the loop.

Resident Scott Shellenberger asked if it would be self-sustaining and what the cost was to the
citizens of Eagar? Town Manager Bill Greenwood said that the town would be responsible
for emptying trashcans and doing a few things and supplying some water. So it will be a low
cost to the town, as the agreement is Game & Fish will be doing the stocking of the fish and
help maintain the lake itself. What we do around it as far as a park will be at our expense.
Councilor Tim Rasmussen said the urban lake in Payson is doing really well. Councilor
Debbie Rogers said it would be another park site for the community. Karen Warnick said if
there were an interactive area in the park for the kids it would attract more local kids and
people. Councilor Steve Erhart asked how the pond construction would be done? Mr.
Greenwood said that NAVIT would do the excavation for free and all the Game & Fish
would have to pay for was the diesel and gas. Town of Eagar owns water shares for the pond,
so it would not be a big expense right now. Mayor Holaway said the project would be
completed in phases.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

THE PETROGLYPH Newsletter of the Arizona Archaeological Society Volume 47, Number 6 February 2011

Little Colorado River Chapter:

...Linda Matthews will be conducting a tour of the Hidden Valley portion of the Casa Malpais site on Sunday, Jan 23rd. The tour will start from the museum at 1 pm. Byron Smith, an Eagar Town Council member, brought us up-to-date on the proposed recreational pond to be developed on AZ Game and Fish property in Eagar. The proposed pond and facilities may impinge on an archaeological site and more study is needed. Plans for March Archaeology Awareness month were discussed.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Minutes of the Meeting of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission Friday, February 4, 2011

This information was obtained from the Arizona Archaeologists facebook group. Note page 5 "A large archaeological site has been identified on the eastern portion of the property that could influence the project. Additional surveys and coordination with SHPO are planned, and it is possible that the pond location may need to be moved to another portion of the property."

Community Fishing Pond – Town of Eagar

Department personnel have been working with the Town of Eagar, Apache County, to develop a
community fishing pond on Department property in the town. A lease and cooperative
agreement are currently being developed, so that the land with the pond can then be leased to the
town and maintained/operated by the town. The town is also providing water for the pond
through water rights they have from the Little Colorado River. The Department will be
constructing the pond. The town had discussed the project at a council meeting in early January
and signed a resolution to support a cooperative agreement with the Arizona Game and Fish
Commission. Archaeological evaluations of the pond construction site are also being conducted,
with close coordination with the State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO). A large
archaeological site has been identified on the eastern portion of the property that could influence
the project. Additional surveys and coordination with SHPO are planned, and it is possible that
the pond location may need to be moved to another portion of the property.